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About Darci Daniels Talkington

"I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far." - Neil Simon

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The path to where I am now is long and winding, and I could not be more grateful for it. I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, and it always frustrated me when people asked. (Well, Life Coaching hadn’t really been invented yet, so of course I didn’t know!)


Background – I grew up in a small town, where both my parents were teachers and my dad a multi-sport high school coach. That means I grew going to more high school football games/wrestling matches/basketball games than is possible to count. I left to attend the University of Washington in Seattle where I got my BA in Communications. I chose that field because I was and still am passionate about effective communication – with others, and with yourself. Once I graduated, I had a brilliant idea, get a job at a bank! Forget that I hated Econ 101 and any math class I ever took. After 2 years of working in bank branches and a short foray into wedding planning (which I loved but didn’t want to work every Saturday for the rest of my life) I decided a change was necessary.


Then I found my calling! Just kidding, I went to work for the mortgage side of the bank for the next 18 years. Here’s where it gets interesting though – I held several jobs, everything from front desk person, to mortgage assistant for a top producer where I eventually trained and ran the rest of the team, to mortgage originator, and then finally to Performance Coach/Consultant for all of the sales and processing team members and their managers in the region. I’ve seen people struggle, and I’ve seen people’s success skyrocket. I wanted to help them all more than I wanted my own success, and realizing that changed everything.


When I decided I wanted to coach (like my dad! But not) and serve people who wanted help making sense of their lives, I looked at several options for training. Ultimately I chose Martha Beck’s Life Coach training and became certified with her because it was the best fit, and with a huge community and on-going training it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. Additionally, I went through and gained my certification for Pete Carroll and Dr. Micahel Gervais 'Compete to Create' program in 2019. After going through a lovely divorce several years ago (no, seriously) and becoming a single mom, I stayed with mortgages for a few years while simultaneously coaching before I became a full-time corporate coach. But 20 years in the financial industry later, I was finally ready to go beyond mortgages to do what I know I was always meant to do – to help you get what you want, and live the life you’re meant to live with more joy!

Certifications and Memberships

Compete to Create: Pete Carroll and Dr. Michael Gervais

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Martha Beck, Inc.

Life Coach Training

Women Business Owners

Seattle, Board Member

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